This project consisted of the replacement of a bridleway bridge in Fawley. The existing bridge needed a full replacement as the concrete decking was breaking apart and the steel handrails were of inadequate height for equestrian use. The handrails had also begun to delaminate and become unsafe for the public.
The new bridge, built by Aquascience Ltd, is a 10m single-span steel composite bridge, which meets both Hampshire County Council (HCC) design standards and EA guidelines. Following the existing bridleway footprint, new concrete abutments were poured, accounting for the 1m from bank top to meet Environment Agency standards. The steel portion of the bridge was fixed to the abutments using anchor bolts and resin. Green oak handrail posts, air-dried oak handrails and softwood anti-slip Gripdeck boards were installed to finish the bridge.
To ensure accessibility for a variety of users, timber edge boards and compacted stone were used to create ramps at either end of the bridge. In addition, the handrails are finished to 1.8 m above the bridge deck, which is taller than a standard footbridge, to increase safety for equestrian users.
The project was successful and now all bridleway users can more safely and easily cross the river.